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Julie McCracken

Tired of Struggling To "Speak Your Truth"?

Updated: Sep 20, 2021

What are you afraid of?

How often do YOU catch yourself telling yourself off for not speaking out when you feel you should have? We all do it. Hold ourselves back for fear of upsetting others, or being wrong, or being right. We are afraid of being rejected or ridiculed, or criticized and misunderstood and much, much more.

"Speaking Your Truth" does not mean you have to go into battle

And so we stay silent, quietly diminishing ourselves and making ourselves less than we know we truly are. Stuck in a cycle of self criticism - ashamed of not being able to speak our truth when we feel we need too – which diminishes us even more.

Finally, when we take the time to really sit with ourselves and pluck up the courage to speak – it is such an effort to overcome our fears, and we are so sure we will get resistance of some sort, that we come out fighting. We go into battle all armoured up and express ourselves in ways that are often both aggressive and defensive. Which brings about reactions that are exactly what we were afraid of - thus proving to ourselves that speaking our truth really isn’t worth it.

“Speaking your truth isn't about making everyone else accept your truth as their own."

It is time … it is time to challenge yourself – not to come out fighting - but to bring your heart and soul to the conversation.

This means sitting with yourself, releasing your fears, and tuning into your heart and soul …. Getting in touch with what is and what isn’t important to you in this situation, and why it matters.

Then having the courage to speak up – not from anger or fear, but from your heart. Understanding that some will agree, some will not and some will not even hear you – and none of this should impact what you truly think and feel. Because it isn’t about making everyone else accept your “truth” as their own. Speaking your truth is about being true to yourself, being honest with yourself and being prepared to bring yourself to the conversation.

I'm not saying it is easy ..... you may need support and a little guidance as you embark on your journey to be true to yourself ..... I am saying it is most definitely worth it.

How Do I Start?

A lovely place to start, is by learning to make friends with your own inner critic. You know, that voice inside your head that criticizes you and tells you off. When we are super critical of ourselves, we tend to become super critical of others - meaning we rarely speak from the heart.

“Learning to heal your inner critic can help you find the gentleness and the courage to begin to speak your truth."

The "Make friends with your inner critic" tool in the fearbuster Free App is a great place to start. This tool is designed to support you to learn to be kinder to yourself and to change your inner critic into your number one supporter.

Download on Apple or Google Play and begin to learn to find your true voice.


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