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Julie McCracken

havening happiness hack

Updated: Sep 15, 2022

Having a Bad Day? Take 7 Precious Minutes Now and
Do Something About It.

Use our "Havening Hack" to lift your mood and change your mindset

Nope - you can't magically change what is going on for you - you still have to do what you have to do, and deal with everything you need to deal with.

But ....... you CAN CHOOSE what you do about it and how you feel about it.

This Havening Happiness Hack makes it easier for you to make those choices by helping you release your stress, create some calm and play with appealing possibilities.

Ready Set - 7 Minutes - GO:

Step 1 - self awareness

  • Take a moment to breath and focus on how you are feeling inside.

  • Notice what is physically happening in your body, any aches and pains, any tightness or tension. How is your breathing - fast, shallow, tight?

  • Notice your emotional state of being - stressed, anxious, unhappy, frustrated, grumpy?

step 2 - havening TO release

NOTE: if you have not experienced Havening before, learn how to do it here:

OR simply put the palms of your hands together and lightly rub your hands up and down as though you were washing your hands, OR give yourself a hug and slide your hands from your shoulders to your elbows repeatedly. (seriously, check out WHY you do this in the link above).

  • Start Havening

  • As you Haven - distract yourself away from NOW and let the Delta waves you are creating do their thing. For Example: You can do some counting backwards from 100 in 3's, OR sing a random fun song (preferrably to yourself if you are in public). I like to use Row, Row, Row your boat as it is random, easy and I can just keep going until I notice I am feeling better.

  • Keep Havening until you feel more relaxed.

"Havening Techniques engages our inherent biological systems to permanently heal, strengthen and empower our minds and bodies." Dr Ronald Ruden MD, PhD, Co-Founder of Havening Techniques.

step 3 - peaceful present

  • Keep Havening and begin building on your relaxed state. For example, you might notice you are feeling calm. So repeat "feeling calm" a few times and then build in "feeling peaceful", "feeling relaxed", "feeling focused", "feeling resourceful", "feeling hopeful", "feeling happy" - whatever feels right to you in this moment.

4 Easy Steps To A Happier Mindset

step 4 - fabulous future

Now for the FUN part - Iffirmational Havening - a fabulous way to gently shift your thinking into the positive using "What if ..." statements:

  • Keep Havening and play around with these kinds of statements: "What if it doesn't go too badly today?" "What if things work out better than I think?", "What if I actually cope pretty well today?", "What if I managed to enjoy myself today?"

  • After repeating a statement a few times - answer this question: "What would that be like?"

Got the idea? You keep playing around with "What if" statements until the answers to "What would that be like?" feel good - or even great!

For example: I like to start each day with "What if today goes really well?", "What if things flow easily for me today?". Puts me in a positive frame of mind every time.

AND if there is something I am really, really not looking forward too - I will start more gently with "What if it isn't as bad as I think it will be?" and work my way up from there.

And here you are -

feeling more relaxed, and focused on having a good day.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you feel like you need more support to deal with your stress and/or negative mindset - book an appointment with me and we can work through these things together.

for more:

Check out my "fearbuster" App for helpful Havening Tools that include:

  • "Havening Technique" - explanation and full meditation

  • "Change Fear for my Wellbeing into Hope and Calm" - for those times when you are overwhelmed and stressed and concerned for how you will cope.

  • "Love and Support Yourself (with kindness and compassion)" - when you need to give yourself a break and get back in touch with who you are and what's important to you.

1 Comment

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success voltage
Oct 29, 2024

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